Why Travel with Jeaney

To people who don’t know you, why are you interested in travel?

I was born traveling! As a “military brat” I grew up all over the world. My dad served in the Army for 27 years and during that time I lived in Korea, Japan, Hawaii, multiple countries in Europe, and eventually settled when dad “retired” as a civilian instructor teaching military strategy at the Command General Staff College in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. I moved 9 times in 12 years before I graduated from high school.

Wow, that’s a lot of travel! How did that frame your ideas about the world?

It showed me that there are gorgeous varieties in people and places, but also a lot of similarities.  It was exciting to be immersed in distinct cultures and learn about their histories, and experience their architecture, food and way of life. But it was also frustrating to move so far away from my friends and have to start over again. Fortunately, kids are kids and can play together even if they don’t speak the same language. I learned to be resilient, adapt, to be curious, to be kind and that the world is a kaleidoscope.  

You worked in the travel industry too, right?

Yes, and it was one of the best times of my life because I got to combine two of my passions: sports and travel.  I joined the D.C. organization Sport for Understanding as the national head coach for basketball, track and field, and cross-country and I took high school athletes and teams all over the globe for the entire summer in an immersive program to compete and learn about local lifestyles. We went to France, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, and New Zealand. I managed everything from arranging host family stays to planning all excursions to making the competition schedule. We had so much fun getting to know the people and traditions in our host cities, and demonstrating good sportsmanship. It taught our student athletes a lot, and I am proud to have received the company’s Coach of the Year honor 4 times.  

I’ve also had the opportunity to travel widely with Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) as a certified motivational speaker where I help to build positive communities for healthy sport. I am fully aligned with the vision that our world is a place where every person benefits from love and inspiration to become the best version of themselves.

It’s no surprise that my career involves the same skills needed to make those trips so successful. With a master’s degree in Athletic Administration (M.A.A.) and subsequent attainment of the distinguished Certified Master Athletic Administrator (CMAA) title, I am a leader in planning, assessment, budget, fundraising, citizenship, sportsmanship, community service, leadership, legal issues, management, and mentoring.

I hear you’re also a Certified Elephant Trainer? Really?

That’s right! I spent the summer as a dorm mom to 70 girls in Udon Thani, Thailand, working with Rustic Pathways, an organization that creates transformative travel experiences where students become global citizens. Everything is intentionally designed with cross-cultural impact at the core of the experience. For example, one of the kids’ favorite service projects was “Meals on Flip Flops” where the group would buy food from the local market, prepare it back at base camp, and then distribute the food to our local community on foot. For many of the locals this was their only meal of the day.

When the official program ended, they asked if I could help for another month at an elephant refuge north of Chiang Mai. As a firm believer in embracing adventure and helping people, my two young boys and I ventured into the thick, deep jungle. It’s another world in there!

I was assigned to the elephant named Bahn Mi and for the next 4 weeks we spent everyday together. She’d come running to me when I called out to her. Speaking to her in Thai, I’d say “long” and she’d bend her front knees to allow me to hug her and crawl up onto her back. When ready I would say “kun” and Bahn Mi would rise up with me on her back and off we’d saunter down to the river for our morning bath. Our daily rituals were about unconditional love, play, and companionship in a way that I had not experienced with any other animal. After a most exhilarating month, I was deemed good enough to be certified as an elephant trainer. That all seems surreal now that I look back on it!

You’re a multi-sport athlete. How’d you get into Pickleball?

I was a 5 sport varsity athlete in high school, a Division I collegiate runner and basketball player, and a semi-pro competitor in triathlon, basketball, and running. When a friend of mine asked me to play pickleball, I was like, sure, what’s that? After the very first time playing I was hooked. It’s a quickly rewarding game that is completely social and fun which fits my personality!

I’m now an IPTPA and PPR certified professional instructor, an official USAP Ambassador, USAP Certified Level II Referee, a Selkirk sponsored tournament player, and a Guest Pro around the country including The Pacific Club in Honolulu and the Toscana Country Club in Indian Wells. You can probably say that I have been a functioning Pickleball addict for 6 years!

So why Pickleball travel?

Playing the most fun sport I’ve ever played and combining this life-changing experience with travel was a no brainer for me. As you can see from all my travel stories, I am also passionate about meaningful travel. Through traveling, we learn that people of all cultures share basically the same hopes and aspirations that we have.

Whether you want to travel to redefine your life or meet new and interesting people or make everlasting memories, please join me to rejuvenate your spirit and leave a positive impact on your overall health. According to the latest research from neuroscientists, when we travel, we rewire our brains because new experiences are the key to building new neural pathways. By rewiring your brain, you become more creative and accepting of new ideas. This is why travel makes you happy. I didn’t need science to explain why I’m so happy traveling and playing Pickleball!


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